The "Quick Fat Loss" Lie Exposed
"Lose 30 pounds In 30 Days!"
"Lose 9 Pounds Every 11 Days!"
Lose 10 Pounds This Weekend!
"Lose 30 pounds In 30 Days!"
"Lose 9 Pounds Every 11 Days!"
Lose 10 Pounds This Weekend!
Image by ninahale via Flickr
You see ad claims like these all the time, and they sure are enticing, aren't they? They play on our emotions and our desires for instant gratification.
Patience is the one thing you never seem to have when you’ve got a body fat problem. You want the fat gone and you want it gone now! And why not? It seems so do-able. Everywhere you look, you hear promises of quick weight loss and you even see people losing weight quickly.
We have reality TV shows that actually encourage people to attempt “extreme” body makeovers or see who can lose weight the fastest, and the winners (or shall we say, the "losers", as if that's a flattering title to earn), are rewarded generously with fortune, fame and congratulations.
Let’s face it. Everyone wants to get the fat off as quickly as possible - and having that desire is not wrong – it’s simply human nature. However...
Serious Problems Can Occur If You Try To
Force It And Lose Weight Too Quickly
The faster you lose weight, the more muscle you will lose right along with the fat, and that can really mess up your metabolism.
An even bigger problem with fast weight loss is that it just won’t last. The faster you lose, the more likely you are to gain it back. It's the the "yo-yo diet effect" - weight does down, but always comes back up. Think about it: We don’t have a weight loss problem today, we have a “keeping weight off” problem
Weight loss will be the healthiest, safest and most likely to be permanent if you set your goal for about two pounds per week (and even if you lose only a single pound each week, that is healthy progress). This is the recommendation of almost every legitimate and respected dietician, nutritionist, exercise physiologist and personal trainer on the planet, as well as exercise organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Dietetic Association.
Are there any exceptions? Yes. It may be ok to lose more than two pounds per week if you have a lot of weight to lose, because the rate of weight loss tends to be relative to your total starting body weight. Generally the rule is that it’s safe to lose up to 1% of your total body weight per week, so if you weigh 300 lbs to start, then 3 lbs a week is a reasonable goal.
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